Social project “Charity” 2023 in honor of March 8!

A woman. She inspires, surprises, stumps, and she is also a driving force, a catalyst, hope, the meaning of life, and sometimes the only support. She can make a man softer, she can make him weaker or raise him to unattainable heights.
And it is often these strong women who remain in the shadows. Wives of artists: who were loved, admired, trusted and about those who went into the shadow of their famous husband. Dear men, take care of women!
Congratulations of Oleg Kozhemyako, Governor of Primorsky Krai, on International Women's Day.
"Our dear women, faithful friends, reliable companions, International Women's Day is truly the warmest and most beautiful holiday, another reason to express admiration and gratitude to you! You transform the world with your charm, beauty and generosity.
Your sensitivity, wisdom, ability to bring up children and keep harmony in the family are a reliable basis for the prosperity of your home, to which you want to return.
And, of course, we admire your aspiration and ability to reach professional heights. Competence, readiness to help, and creativity are the qualities that allow you to brilliantly cope with your work in education, healthcare, entrepreneurship and other important sectors. Many socially significant ideas and projects are born and implemented under your sensitive guidance.
We are grateful to you for your patience and support, which you generously share with others. Happy holiday to you, dear women! May harmony, spring mood and love reign in your soul today and always!" Governor of Primorsky Krai O.N. Kozhemyako.
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