The ForestGrand LLC company carries out harvesting and deep processing of wood in the Primorsky Territory in the Dalnerechensky, Chuguevsky, Kavalerovsky and Spassky districts.
In 2018, the company began implementing a large-scale project to build a timber processing plant with an area of 19 hectares in the Spassk-Dalniy municipality. Completion of the project and reaching full capacity is planned for 2027.
Since 2019, ForestGrand LLC has been one of the leading exporters of the Primorsky Territory of the Far Eastern Federal District.

Uniqueness of tree species
Our wide range of products combines classic and modern design solutions, while emphasizing the uniqueness, beauty and natural qualities of Far Eastern wood species.
Our products are the highest quality lumber from Far Eastern tree species: Manchurian Ash, Mongolian Oak, Elm Valley, Amur Linden, Daurian Larch, Ayan Spruce. Far Eastern wood species have a unique unique texture, beauty and strength.
Scale and Efficiency
Annual volume of wood processing, highlighting the scale of our production
product categories reflecting a wide range of solutions to customer needs
Partner countries, indicating global trust in our products
Number of environmental initiatives confirming our commitment to sustainable development
Специалистов по лесообработке обеспечивает высокий уровень качества в каждом этапе производства
Сертификатов качества, подтверждающих наше стремление к высокому стандарту производства
тысяч клиентов по всему миру, включая строительные компании,рхитектурные бюро и частных заказчиков
Пунктов продаж и складов, обеспечивая широкое покрытие и удобство для наших клиентов
Plant production
Production capacity per year is 300 thousand m3. The area of the timber resource base is 500 thousand hectares. Timber processing plant 19 hectares. Own logistics complex: Railway sidings, 3 railway sidings, 30 covered cars, 40 platforms.
2022 - Launch of a hardwood veneer production line, strengthening the company's position in the field of sustainable production. Start of delivery of products by railway transport in our own covered wagons. 2024 - Launch of a granulation line. The launch of a granulation line is planned for 2024.