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From 01/01/2022, transportation of timber and lumber without an electronic accompanying document is prohibited

From 01/01/2022, transportation of timber and lumber without an electronic accompanying document is prohibited

New functionality - web version of the Unified State Automated Information System for Timber Accounting.

1 January 2022 - transportation of timber and sawn timber without an electronic accompanying document uploaded in the Unified State Automated Information System for Timber Accounting is prohibited.

In accordance with subparagraph 4 of paragraph 6 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 3-FZ dated 04.02.2021 "On Amending the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation to Improve the Legal Regulation of Forest Relations" (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 3-FZ), from 1 January 2022, the accompanying document is formed electronically using the unified state automated information system of timber accounting and transactions with it or special software integrated with it.

In accordance with subparagraph 6 of paragraph 6 of Article 4 of Federal Law N 3-FZ, from 1 January 2022, a report on timber imported into and exported from the warehouse, a report on timber and timber products are formed using the Unified State Automated Information System for Timber Accounting or specialised software. In order to implement the above provisions, the following have been developed:

- subsystem of timber traceability in the Unified State Automated Information System of Timber Accounting (browser version used on automated workplaces of users in online mode) - web portal; - mobile application (used on mobile devices with iOS and Android operating systems in online and offline modes).


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